Allocation Forecasting

Rashi Shah

Last Update één maand geleden

What is Allocation Forecasting?

Allocation forecasting is a forecasting tool, provided by Logward, to help users optimize their allocations. Based on quarterly shipments, users get an insight of how they would consume allocations in the remaining quarters. Users then reach out to carriers/freight forwarders and request for adjustments in their current allocations between the quarters, keeping the total count of allocations the same. Once the carrier/freight forwarder agrees to the adjustments, users store the forecasted values of allocations (quarter-based) on the Logward platform. 

Note: Forecasting for a quarter is to be locked 1 month prior to the start of the quarter.

These forecasts generate a deviation report, if there is any. Deviation for a quarter is the percentage change in allocated and forecasted values. Based on the forecasted values, users place future bookings for that tender in order to consume allocations optimally. Users can also set the configuration to forecast allocations (round-off forecast).

Note: Account admin controls forecast permissions for the users via the accessibility permissions from User Management on the platform.

How to forecast Allocations?

1. Click on "My Allocations" from the left-side menu bar of your home screen and click on the "FORECAST" action.

2. Select "Filters" as per your requirement.

3. View all the filtered results.

4. Forecast an Allocation and click on "SUBMIT".

5. You can also forecast in bulk by selecting multiple Allocations.

6. Apply the "Deviation" filter.

7. Configure the round-off or round-up for allocations.

If you have any queries or want to know more, reach out to [email protected].

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