CO2 Calculator



Last Update 2 jaar geleden

You can use this freebie to calculate your CO2 emissions. You can try it out on our website.

This tool helps to quickly compare route and transport mode options.

To use our CO2 Calculator follow this journey: 

  • Leg 1 - Select your mode of transport

  • Leg 2 - You can either enter the origin zip code or the Port of Loading (its name or LoCode). The drop-down list helps you

  • Leg 3 - Add the destination zip code or the Port of Destination

  • Leg 4 - Add the weight of your shipment and select a unit of measurement and click "CALCULATE"

  • Leg 5 - See your estimated CO2 emissions 

  • Last mile - Receive an email with a detailed report of the Country Risk Score by clicking on the "GET DETAILED REPORT" button, or start a new calculation by hitting "RESET"

Through making our Carbon Emission Calculator available to everyone, we hope to begin mitigating and reducing the environmental impact of shipping. While there are many challenges to overcome in working toward a "greener" future, like many things, it helps to start with better data.

This tool is built on data from EcotransIT World, including emissions factors from Clean Cargo and a GLEC approved methodology. For more on the topic of CO2 emissions and supply chain management, see our blog post.

* If you want other features to be integrated with this tool, or have any questions about it, reach out to your Logward customer success team.

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