Does Logward have business analytics?

Yes! It's a big part of where we add value. While processing all that information we're cleaning it and organizing it and putting it directly into our BI platform.

Under the "My Reports" section each user will find the default dashboard for their account, focused on key KPIs and metrics important to your business. 

These dashboards are completely customizable and shareable, making analyzing and communication information from a 10,000 feet view down to a single item level efficient.

We don't just prepare a few fancy charts and leave you hanging. You will have the keys to our business intelligence. However, we have some prototype dashboards for inspiring you. 

Below you can see an operational dashboard, providing an overview for transport management.

While this is an administrative dashboard to help you with order management.

As part of your onboarding process, we'll gather information on your needs and expectations and help you create meaningful and actionable reports to get you started. 

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